I'm sick and done with the world
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I'm sick and done with the world

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Old 06-28-17, 06:22 PM   #1
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Default I'm sick and done with the world

This is it. This day was the last straw for me. I got rid of something that wasn't fine and my parents completely blow up on me about it, in the vehicle. It dominoed into a full blown screaming fight in the truck. They're saying "the world doesn't revolve around me" and calling me swear words and I do that back to them, and we get madder and madder and madder. They tell me to stop yet they keep screaming at me like morons, not knowing their actions are only aggravating me more and more and more and more and more. I opened the door to run away more than once because it was so abusive but closed it right away, although I really felt like it. When I was only trying to say "once you guys stop making ridiculous claims I'll stop talking" my mom started lalalallaaing me and I tried to only put her hand over my mouth and my dad spun right around and took me to the hospital, in the emergency lane. THey kept threatening me and I have said numerous times that I would kill myself. But I won't really. But I feel like it, but there is only one reason why I won't do it. After some serious begging they gave me one chance to stop freaking out, and I took it. But when they kept yelling at me to stop talking and aggravating me more when I just wanted to say one more thing, they spun back again when I just said to take their own advice. But they didn't go to the hospital still, I begged some more, They spun around again and took me home, and at last they stopped talking and none of us said a word till we got to the house. Then my idiot dad gets out of the truck, tells me to "come here", opens the door, corners me in the house, and grabs me by the throat when all I did to my mom is try to put my hand over her mouth. What an idiot. I am so done with my family and the world being against me. I can see the world not revolving around me, but every second it seems like the world is against me, and I can't take this no more. I would swear but I'm afraid I'd prob get banned from here so I wont. Him and Mom left to get something to eat. I sat in silence for around 10 minutes until I threw some shoes, and my brother came out and said "Stop right now or I'm calling the hospital". All they heard is Dad's screwed side of the story so he doesn't understand, yet he seems to not care about me either. And neither do my Dad or Mom. I swear if they do this anymore I will run away and I am seriously contemplating it tonight. They keep saying holidays are done and over and that they won't talk to me or anything and that I will go to the hospital yet none of these things never happen. They're usually fine until I have a big blowup, then it seems everything comes crashing down for them again, and when I'm fine and I say I'll be fine they still get mad at me for no reason. And when I do stop talking then they keep saying what an idiot I am (to put it lightly) and that everything's done and over, and they expect me to keep quiet? Idiots. I won't admit I'm perfect but neither are they. I can tell my mom can't handle this as well. She has 3 relatives with serious health conditions besides me, and around when I blow up she frequently says it's the end, everything's coming down, and she can't take it no more. And I really don't want her to feel this way when it is not my fault. All of this stopped around 20 minutes ago now, I came right downstairs to type this on my computer. I feel so done with the world and it's stupidity. Someome please help cause I don't got much more left.

Just when I think it's getting better, the worse thing pops up and all h... breaks loose. And Im scared bc they said they can call the hospital and they might get mad and call em anyway when Im not there. Even tho Im fine now. They overreact to something I did. This is so stupid and I am done. Someone please help because this got really out of hand today... my first big blowup in a two weeks

Note: We went and seen someone that deals with this kind of things two weeks ago or so. It was on a Sunday so prob two and a half by now. But it was scheduled so it didn't come as a result of me freaking out dicrectly, so I have already had a bit of help already, but again for those of you whove read my other post its not that I don't want bad things to not become bad, its that I want to deal with it better and not freak out. And I freak out more around my parents because they know. In public I wouldn't do it becasuse no one knows and Id get self concious. My mind blows this up and bugs me about these things which only aggravates it more. I've had enough aggravation now. Of someone would calmly deal with it I wouldn't ever be upset, but noooo my parents have to be idiots and torture me along with my mind. But they don't do it all the time. My mind does though and I want it gone. Please someone help because I am afraid this cannot go any longer and if it does I might actually not go on holidays. Idk how parents feel right now they're gone to eat. But I hope all is fine. But I know it's not because I've had less big blowups and my mom in particular was affected for more than a day. This was the worst yet and I was soooooooooooooo close to getting to the hospital. I don't want or need that. I just need someone to tell some things. Plz make this go away and end
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Old 06-30-17, 08:09 PM   #2
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The part where you said your mom goes ''lalalalala'' really sticks out to me, it's a very significant trait of narcissistic parents, so maybe you can look a little further into that. That was very immature,disrespectful and careless of her to do, it kind of blows my mind honestly.

I'm not exactly sure what all this talk about going to the hospital is, I didn't quite fully understand what you were talking about, all I got from this is that your parents are very neglectful and don't seem to care much about your feelings, if at all.. The way they treat you and talk to you is absolutely appalling to me :/ I'm sorry you have to go through this.
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